from The Woods @Wanamaker
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In Mark Chapter 9, Jesus encounters a unique situation in regards to faith. A father has brought his son who was possessed with an evil spirit to some of the disciples to cast the troubling spirit out. The problem was they could not!
The father pleads with Jesus to do what the disciples could not. In answer to the father’s plea, Jesus says, “All things are possible to him who believes.” The fathers reply sounds like many of our replies in regards to faith, “I believe, help my unbelief.” Today if you are struggling with your faith walk, know you have plenty of company! It might help us to remember God does not depend on our faith to bring about His plans! Faith is much more a privilege and blessing than it is a mandate. It pleases God when we express and live out our faith in Him. This is partly due to the fact that faith is unique to only His highest creation. That’s right, faith is only for mankind! Faith, when allowed, can conquer fear, cast out evil, provide stability and give zest to life that nothing else can. If you are experiencing a little trouble with your faith today, why not simply tell God you believe and ask Him to help your unbelief! Remember the father of the young man struggling with an evil spirit found Jesus honoring his request for greater faith and cast the demon out! Don’t allow the fact of your faith struggle to keep you from asking God for help! If you will…He will! Pastor Holmes
When I volunteered to serve in the Navy, I was required to take an oath before they would begin my training. I confess I did not take that oath very seriously then, even though it meant the possibility of giving my life for my country. I now understand the seriousness of that oath much better, and I believe I am still held to it today. I served with many who took the oath also – some more seriously than others, some not seriously at all. When we take an oath we make a solemn promise regarding our future acts or behavior. More serious oaths are taken by placing a hand on a Bible or by adding “so help me God” at the end of the oath. This involves invoking a Divine Witness.
I believe that Divine Witness is present when we confess saving faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. Repentance is also involved in such a confession – this involves turning from old sinful acts and behavior to a path of holiness. Oaths, all too often, are proclaimed publicly but the oath taker has a hidden agenda. This is a common complaint about those entering political offices but can be found to be true within the church as well. Hosea 10:4 warns about worthless oaths producing judgment like “poisonous weeds.” In the general epistle of James (5:12) we are also warned to be cautious about oath taking “so that you may not fall under judgment.” This applies to many areas of life, but much more to our spiritual life and our relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. May the shalom of our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you and you household in these troubling times. The oath you took when you believed will bring assurance of that peace that passes understanding as well as reassuring hope for the future. Shalom, Pastor Bill |
AuthorNotes from the Staff @The Woods Archives
March 2023
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